After College

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after college
Charting your life and career after college can seem overwhelming.  If you have recently graduated from college and you are anxious about what to do next, know that you have options.

Apply to Graduate School
If you know that you could benefit from a higher education degree and feel you can handle the time and work commitment then this may be the time to apply to
graduate school. Many career paths are limited unless you have obtained a masters or doctorate degree. As you move further along your chosen field, your education and research will be more focused.

Find a Job
If you are ready to enter the workforce and eager to use your education and skills then it is time to gather your resources and find a job. There are many ways to go about your job search to
find a job that is right for you.

Take a Gap Year
If sthe typical 9-5 day does not appeal to you or the thought of more schooling makes you cringe then why not take a gap yearto travel abroad, volunteer or intern and learn more about your interests while making a difference in the w